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Constructions of a Wife

Essentially, we experience reality through our bodies that are situated in a particular time and space. Given that position, it somehow seems appropriate to offer some demographics and put my bias on display.  My bias is that, I am middle aged, Southern, first generation college student, Caucasian, a single mother of a young adult, never married, my undergrad and grad degrees are from a state school in anthropology and sociology. I'm a proletariat social scientist. 
However, the compelling reason for me to start this blog is that I actually internalized all that social science and I process my experiences through a social construct stance. Eventually, I may revisit theoretical definitions of phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, sociology of knowledge and other sources of theoretical origin but I'm not interested in an academic discussion right now. I read the texts, I am now a practicing constructionist and I have a need to deconstruct as I move into an interesting phase of life. Recently, I have accepted an offer of marriage, which means, I am comitting to working in the role of "wife" into my self perception. "Wife" is what is interesting for me in this space, as a role, symbol, life phase, sexual orientation. I'm gonna play around with it... I think reviewing an etymology of the word is a good place to start.   

Etymology of Wife This the focus of this etymology aligns many concepts around "wife" as woman in the sense that woman is a sub-man. I'm not shocked, this is one of the reasons I have avoided the status for so long.
